Title: Advent: Glory Revealed
Verses: John 1:11-14
Speaker: Lead Pastor, Joe Suh
Title: Advent: Glory Revealed
Verses: John 1:11-14
Speaker: Lead Pastor, Joe Suh
Title: Advent: Good News of Great Joy
Verses: Luke 2:8-20
Speaker: Lead Pastor, Joe Suh
Title: Advent: The Arrival of the King
Verses: Luke 2:1-14
Speaker: Lead Pastor, Joe Suh
Title: Advent: The King Who Brings Deliverance
Verses: Ezekiel 37:24-28
Speaker: College Pastor, Randy Cho
Title: Advent: The Promise of a Savior
Verses: Genesis 3:15, Isaiah 9:6
Speaker: Lead Pastor, Joe Suh