Title: The Gospel According to John: Born Again
Verses: John 3:1-21
Speaker: Lead Pastor, Joe Suh
Title: The Gospel According to John: Born Again
Verses: John 3:1-21
Speaker: Lead Pastor, Joe Suh
Title: The Gospel According to John: The Second Sign: Cleansing the Temple
Verses: John 2:12-25
Speaker: Lead Pastor, Joe Suh
Title: The Gospel According to John: The First Sign: Water to Wine
Verses: John 2:1-11
Speaker: Lead Pastor, Joe Suh
Title: The Gospel According to John: Come and See
Verses: John 1:35-51
Speaker: Lead Pastor, Joe Suh
Title: The Gospel According to John: The Arrival of the Lamb of God
Verses: John 1:29-34
Speaker: Associate Pastor, Randy Cho