Date: July 30, 2017
Title: The Gospel According to John: To Fight or to Follow
Verses: John 18:1-12
Speaker: Lead Pastor, Joe Suh
Date: July 30, 2017
Title: The Gospel According to John: To Fight or to Follow
Verses: John 18:1-12
Speaker: Lead Pastor, Joe Suh
Date: July 9, 2017
Title: The Gospel According to John: Unity in Christ, For Christ
Verses: John 17:20-26
Speaker: Lead Pastor, Joe Suh
Date: July 2, 2017
Title: The Gospel According to John: Jesus' Prayer
Verses: John 17:1-19
Speaker: Lead Pastor, Joe Suh
Date: June 25, 2017
Title: The Gospel According to John: Sorrow to Joy
Verses: John 16:16-33
Speaker: Associate Pastor, Randy Cho
Date: June 11, 2017
Title: The Gospel According to John: The World Hates Us
Verses: John 15:12-16:4
Speaker: Lead Pastor, Joe Suh